The Abstraction of Expression in Sign/Visual Language (Workshop for deaf artists)

Eyk Kauly

Friday, 3rd of September

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

by registration only

Workshop for deaf artists in German sign language and International Sign

Announcement video for friday in International Sign

Visual Sign – a visual symbolic language?

Yes, something of that kind! You are able to depict and understand things with your hands, your face and your body. You can already guess and depict “sleep”, “drink”, “eat” with your hands.

But what about other words, for example: sun?

How does this work?

How is this possible in theatre, film, dance or as part of a performance?

Welcome to our Visual Sign workshop!

Please register via email ( or WhatsApp/Telegram (+393398530009).
Maximum number of participants: 8 people.

Safer Spaces
This is a safer space for deaf participants. The public sessions are for disabled, nondisabled, deaf and hearing participants.
If you live with hearing privileges, we ask you to respect that this event is for deaf people only. We acknowledge that not all people we aim to welcome in this space will identify with the term “deaf” but might use other terms (e.g. hard-of-hearing). In this Safer Spaces, we aim to create spaces for empowerment and to alleviate the pressure to assimilate to the hearing majority.

Eyk Kauly, a white deaf man, in three-quarter view looking into the distance as he leans over a balustrade. He wears a brown beard, his long brown hair in a bun, a light brown jumper with a white dress shirt with a collar underneath as well as a long black necklace with a golden key.

Eyk Kauly grew up deaf in a hearing family in a small village called Cunnersdorf (Germany). During his school years he lived at a boarding school in Dresden. Since he childhood he is fascinated by visual movement, for example in film, in music videos, in the arts or languages.

After leaving his hometown, he learned many visual languages, including German Sign Language, International Sign and lately Visual Vernacular (VV). At the same time, he developed music videos, films and performances. He is working as a freelance actor, performer, illustrator and film cutter/technician. As a coach he is running workshops on Visual Sign using VV and performance alike. Visual Sign is a language that you can understand with your eyes. Visual Sign can be combined with theatre, film, music and art.