Owning Spaces – Conversations and Actions from Bed
Announcement video in English spoken language with subtitles
Announcement video in International Sign
Between the 1st and 5th of September we invite you into conversations and practice taking place in safer spaces and public sharings. At the core of this invitation is our aim to come together in ways that make space for us all.
For this conference, you don’t need to travel, you can join from anywhere with internet access. There are no expectations, no dress code. We are looking forward to people joining from their homes, their beds, their workspaces and studios, their bathtubs or their gardens without apology or explanation. Feel free to bring your pets, your children, your stimming toys or your knitting.
Our shared experience tells us that spaces away from navigating barriers make room for our artistic practices and thinking. We are excited that the international artists who have accepted our invitation will join us to share their practices and bring in those conversations that they always wanted to have.
Safer Spaces
Our safer spaces are for disabled and deaf participants, while the public sessions are for disabled, nondisabled, deaf and hearing participants alike.
If you live with nondisabled and hearing privileges, we ask you to respect that this event is for disabled and deaf people only. We acknowledge that not all people we aim to welcome in this space will identify with the terms “disabled” or “deaf” but might use other terms (such as chronically ill, neurodiverse, mad etc.). In these Safer Spaces, we aim to create spaces for empowerment and to alleviate the pressure to assimilate to the nondisabled and hearing majority.
Concept and Curation – Kate Marsh and Noa Winter
Co-Curation – Rita Mazza and Kassandra Wedel
Project Management – Anne Rieger and Noa Winter
Project Assistance – Olivia Hotz, Gina Jeske and Conny Walter
The conference is part of the project Making a Difference. TANZPAKT Stadt – Land – Bund.
Network Making a Difference: Sophiensaele, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Uferstudios Für Zeitgenössischen Tanz, tanzfähig, Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin (HZT), TanzZeit e.V., Diversity Arts Culture und Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin / ZTB.
Funded by Tanzpakt Stadt-Land-Bund with funds of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and Senate Department for Culture and Europe, co-financing fund.