Movement Session in English and German spoken language
Crip Meditation is a horizontal movement session based on visualization. Since meditation most often is to be practiced in sitting positions, Angela Alves Crip Meditations are designed for lying bodies. All Crips are invited to stay in bed or extend their bodies on the floor or attend the session from the outside world laying in the grass or somewhere else you feel comfortable. Participants can expect a soft start, a supportive surrounding and a horizontal dance session through visualization in order to move brains and calm down nervous systems.
Registration via email:
Safer Spaces
This safer spaces addresses disabled participants. The public sessions are for disabled, nondisabled, deaf and hearing participants alike.
If you live with nondisabled privileges, we ask you to respect that this event is for disabled people only. We acknowledge that not all people we aim to welcome in this space will identify with the terms “disabled” but might use other terms (such as chronically ill, neurodiverse, mad etc.). In these Safer Spaces, we aim to create spaces for empowerment and to alleviate the pressure to assimilate to the nondisabled majority.

Angela Alves is a dance artist, activist and mother based in Berlin. She is interested in perceptions of healthy and sick, as well as in article 3 of the German constitution. Therefore her work deals with issues of self-care, rebellion and the question of how to find comfort in the mode and art of unavailabilty. In 2014 she founded TURN. Neue Bewegung für Multiple Sklerose e.V. – an association that organizes inclusive dance workshops and exchange for MS Crips.